Is CluedUpp Outdoor Detective Adventure Coming to Your Town?

9th April 2021

Tapping into childhood memories of playing classic board game, Cluedo, CluedUpp Games offers players a unique outdoor gaming experience. Players / detectives spend the day moving around the town to solve a murder; tracking down virtual witnesses in their quest to rule out suspects and weapons.

It’s fair to say that many people take full advantage of the opportunity to dress up, including their pet detectives, team up and fully immerse themselves in their role.  It’s a great opportunity to channel your inner Sherlock Holmes! The game is controlled via an app which guides players around the town in search for clues and suspects.

Their latest version offerings, Jack The Ripper and Witchcraft & Wizardry are coming to multiple towns and cities across the country in the coming months, including:

May: Northampton, Carlisle

June: Birmingham, Cardiff, Brighton

July: Leeds, Manchester, Leicester, Durham

August: Sheffield, Chester, Plymouth

 September: Kettering, Nottingham, Newcastle, Exeter

Plus many, many, many more! Places are limited so make sure you book via their website.